Buddy Read Review with Kate: Crooked Kingdom

Before You Read... Hello! This review had been completed more than a year ago. It's been sitting in my drafts completed, so I decided to share it with you all. I was going to have more questions prepared for it, but it's been so long since I got to touch base about them with my buddy.... Continue Reading →

Review: Unspoken

Unspoken: Kami Glass has lived in Sorry-in-the-Vale all her life. There are secrets that her town harbors that she is not yet aware of, so she sets out to uncover them all. However when she asks around, her neighbors' responses aren't always the warmest. Everyone has secrets. But nobody will trust a high school journalist... Continue Reading →

TTT: Favorite Book Quotes

Top Ten Tuesdays are a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. As always this list is in no particular order. This is the part where I panic, and frantically look at books to remember things. A lot of these will probably be from one book, because the commentary is FIRE! ENJOY! ~ #1 Best... Continue Reading →

Power Couples Book Tag!

Hello! I was tagged for this by Sophie @ Blame it on Chocolate who has one of the sweetest blogs (pun not intended) out there! I thought this would be perfect for Valentine's Day, so here I am, filling the void of holiday posts. XD I'm adding my own question at the bottom because there's a... Continue Reading →

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