300 Followers + Q&A Announcement

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Credit: Giphy

I Hit the Mark!

After one year of blogging, I hit 300+ followers!!!!

excited actor tom hiddleston screaming
Credit: Giphy

Awe you guys!!!!

I’m so happy right now, a year ago I never even dreamed that so many of you would’ve stumbled on my blog. I want to thank you all for reading my posts and giving me a thumbs up; you encouraged me to write more and for that I love all of you!

Now! Let’s get to why we’re all here! 😀

Q & A Announcement!!

I am hosting my first Q&A with you guys, and I want your questions!!! I will post my Q&A on Wednesday of next week, so have all your submissions in by then.

Just type your questions in the comment section below! Or Tweet me @icebreakerreads! If you submitted yours early, I thank you! You can still send me more questions if you like!

Questions can be as random or specific as you make them! You can ask any blog/book related questions or questions like What song is stuck in your head right now? or How is your day? I promise to incorporate them in my post next week!

That’s All!

I’ve got some reviews made for you all coming up, and I’m working on a few review copy reviews soon! (I just have to read them. So behind T~T) But I’ll keep you guys posted! Thank you so much for 300+ again!

43 thoughts on “300 Followers + Q&A Announcement

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  1. Congratulations on reaching the landmark! You totally deserve it 🙂

    My question would be: Which is your favourite type of blog post to read and/or write?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats, new follower here!

    My question(s) for you:
    How long have you been blogging for/book reviewing for and how do you promote your blog?
    What 3 books do you think are the most overrated?


  3. Congrats!

    What is something that always makes you smile?

    What is something you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t gotten to yet?

    What kind of posts do you love writing the most?

    You have a wonderful blog. Congratulations on this wonderful milestone!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congrats! That’s great!

    Who’s your favorite author?
    What was the first blog you discovered and loved oh so much?
    Do you sometimes not believe that you’re an actual blogger with people who follow your blog and like your posts?

    Liked by 1 person

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