3 Days 3 Quotes Tag (4) Part 3!

hello waving toy story woody farewell

Thank you!

Let’s thank our girl over at Book Dragon 1017 for tagging me! Go check out her site, I encourage it!! Thank you!!!


•Thank the person who nominated you
•Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day)
•Nominate three new bloggers each day


Image result for there's a snake in my boot

I would just shout this randomly at my friends a lot. I don’t really know why, it’s just funny. I haven’t even seen Toy Story in a few years. But I just wanted to share this little quote because I finally get to shout this in my blog: “THERE’S A SNAKE IN MAH BOOT!” 😀

Mah Taggers

Shanayah @ The Scarlet Bookkeeper/Carrie @ Cat on the Bookshelf/Amanda @ hangingwithamanda

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